Types of Sikha

There are different sizes and types of Śikha based on which part of the India you are from and the community you belong to. In general, at least Śikha of Gau-pada size is recommended.

Sushrut rishi, the foremost surgeon of ayurveda, describes the master sensitive spot on the head as Adhipati Marma, where there is a nexus of all nerves. The śikhā protects this spot. Below, in the brain, occurs the Brahmarandhra, where the sushumnã (nerve) arrives from the lower part of the body. In yoga, Brahmarandhra is the highest, seventh chakra, with the thousand-petalled lotus. It is the center of wisdom. The knotted śikhā helps boost this center and conserve its subtle energy known as ojas.

Benefits of śikhā are summarized in a veda mantra.

Kshoura Karma Procedure

The below set of videos show the procedure a grihasta should follow for kshoura karma.