Śikha Vandanam

For all nitya and naimithika karma observation, it is mandatory that the Śikha must be tied as a knot. Samavarta Smriti mentions, a twice-born (a dwija) who stands without washing his feet, or who performs the achamanam without binding the tuft of his hair (Śikha) on the crown or without putting on his sacred thread, is impure.


Water squeezed out of a man’s upper cloth and water let down in from from the tip of the śikha alone reach in the form of tarpanam to our forefathers. The following sloka must be chanted during this process.

लता वृक्षेषु गुल्मेषु वर्तन्ते पितरो मम

तेषां आप्यायनार्थंतु इदं अस्तु शिखोदकं

Tying Sikha

Śikha vandanam is a part of nitya karma and represents the process of tying of the Śikha. To start the Śikha vandanam process,

  • Put some water in your left hand and dip your fingers and thumb of your right hand into this.
  • Place the fingers and thumb on the Śikha.
  • Chant the following mantra:

चिद्रुपिनि! महामाये! दिव्यतेजः समन्विते!

तिष्ठ् देवि! शिखामध्ये तेजोव्रिद्धिम् कुरुष्व मे!!