There are some very common questions many have around the Kshoura Karma – shaving or hair cut. This list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) addresses some of these.

Q. Can we perform Kshoura Karma on all days?

A. No. As per sastras, Monday and Wednesday are the only days Kshoura Karma is allowed.

Q. What tithis can we do Kshoura Karma?

A. Kshoura Karma is allowed on Dwitiya, Thritiya, Panchami, Saptami, Dasami, Ekadasi, and Thrayodasi. Kshura karma is not allowed on padyami, chathurthi, sashti, ashtami, navami, dwadasi, chathurdasi, pournami, and amavasya.

Q. What does sastra’s say about inauspicious tithis for Kshoura Karma?

A. Aathu Navamyam Dhana Nashah, Brathur Chathurthi Mathru Sashti, Bhagini Chathurdasi, Kulamashtamicha. Performing Kshoura Karma on Padyami and Navami will result in loss of ishwaryam. Those with a brother should not do on chathurthi and sashti is not allowed for those whose mother is alive. Chathurdasi is not allowed for those having a sister, and doing Kshoura Karma on ashtami will result in kula nasanam.

Q. Are there any exceptions to the allowed tithis or days for Kshoura Karma?

A. Kshoura Karma is not allowed when the allowed tithis and days fall on tarpanam days, punya kalam, janma nakshatram, and janma maasam.

Q. Are there any exceptions to the tithis and days that are not allowed?

A. Yes. You do not have to consider of these rules for not allowed tithis and days when you are in a punya kshetram or theertham.

Q. Can I, my brother, and my father do Kshoura Karma on same day?

A. No. Son and fathers or bothers doing Kshoura Karma on the same is day is not allowed. The only exception is on Upaakarma day.

Q. Is going to a saloon allowed as per sastras?

A: No. A barbar should come home for Kshoura Karma. In fact, one of the veda mantras tells us this very thing.

Q. What is allowed for brahmacharis?

A. Brahmacharis can shave only up to neck.

Q. How should grihasthas do Kshoura Karma?

A. Grihasthas should perform sarva avayava Kshoura Karma.

Q. How frequently one should do Kshoura Karma?

A. Every mandalam.